Tuesday, 2 February 2016

The Bug that is biting us

                        "If You don't build your dream someone else hire you to build theirs"-Dhirubhai Ambani.

                       97% of the people who quit too soon are employed by 3% that never gave up-Anonymous

                 To survive one has to earn, that's different how one will survive to earn. We have different definitions of success for us for some it's money followed by passion etc, but all of them end up having same formula that's "MONEY". Being rich is always considered as the most apt definition of success, how much rich is another criteria but rich enough to own what you want is a simplest from of success we measure.

Call it richest guy in the World Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg or Erich Schmidt or Larry Page  everyone here is attached with synonym of being passionate no that's the only all are self employed, founders , CEO and Chairman of the empire they have established. These are the same people who followed their passion than money, who created money rather earning it. 

The bug here I'm talking about is the bug of "Entrepreneurship". This word is expensive enough to lose your highly paying job, a well owned house , all of your hard earned savings and your luxuries.

It always better to hire than get hired . I recollect a speech from my peer where He was addressing about being self employed in midst of humor in this way "  On end of every month your  gets a message of your salary credited into your account , followed by another of your Home Loan , Your car EMI, your credit card bills and at the end as he was explaining you'll be left with only 20$ and there come the last message notifying 0$ as deduction against all your transaction charges. It was just a joke to laugh at while reality is much different, but what is good at last he questioned us" Bonded slavery or unsecured ruler". 

This bug has seriously bite many of us and all those carrying passion in their bloods having wings to fly. Clearly evident from India's PMs latest announcement in the wake to give boost to young entrepreneurs introduced many schemes and procedures to flexible compliance and support to the their business. 

India's perspective of entrepreneur is quite divergent compared to other countries. A high paid Job in a MNC is found lacklustre than a low paid Government Job. The parents here value " Sarkari Naukari " more than " A MNC's Executive role. The Young generations now have now percepted this idea of earning in way different. The transformation from the idea of getting into  Govt Job to  being a  Pvt Employee and finally  Self employed has taken very less time. 

The new India and its Entrepreneurs:

          The old school  of employment is disbursed now. Young India has transformed the typical definition of Business breaking from old contemporary style of buying and selling the ideas have indicted to taking the Business online, to bring new concept of digital money and  such ideas are being transformed into business which never ever thought will be business too.

Not every idea can survive for wealth creation, to bring the fruits that you will ,but that idea well executed commercial viable , innovative and well groomed will certainly beat the industry. 

The Startups :

                When Apple was startup company it's work place was garage,Facebook script was all coded in Mark's Room and Flipkart went on to the streets to sell its Bookmarks. Multi million bragging companies were never known once, they were not the places with expensive furniture and amenities staged at top floors of the buildings covered with glass castles and air conditioned when they started. The startups have changed odd ways that you need experienced  managers , they twisted working hours were not 9 to 5 , work allocation was not known to them what they knew was work sharing.

While many dream of the Start up and their ideas ,survey shows hardly ten out of 100 startup survive and few of them get financially sound enough to meet their working capital. Nevertheless the guys in 20 and 30s are becoming CEO and MDs. Young minds are taking decisions of hundreds of employee. Need of experience has completely submerged by this industry. Innovation and Implementation   are key the success factors they follow.

The Business model  for your startup: 

      The ideas might be distinct but all the successful business have few common alma matter within them. Here is the decode  of policies of few accomplished startups.

Ease of doing business:

The best offer you can ever give your customers is the ease of doing or providing them service or your product. This is best thing since sliced bread and the reason why e commerce have grabbed such momentous business all around the world ie., reach to the customer ,easing out and making your customer service flexible. Next time when you design the delivery of your product or service make it as more innovative than existing schemes and procedure followed by the E commerce.

Taking it to Online :        

Internet has reaching impact than any other medium . If your business is not on the Internet then your Business will out of Business" -Mr. Bill Gates. He predicted the raise tidal wave that would sweep conventional methods of business model that was called The Internet. It is not only important but a necessity to link and  run your business through internet .Your startup idea should include and accentuate of use of Internet.

Innovation and Updation: 

Well, this is where many models have failed to implement,in spite of  having a commercially viable idea and years of establishment they had to wind up though. The floppy companies who didn't foresee the future of USB drives have lost were forced to bound up. The story of legend Ambassador was also kind of similar.There are many instances like these which have urged the business to update the quality and make necessary changes.  The quintessential Apple Inc , most valued company in the world would not have survived if it thought  iPhone 3 was the only model.

Customer Service : 

A fame gained in a day or night years together of hard work give you Goodwill which can be sabotaged in a moment. The social media has grown whistle blower scenario against the wrongdoing , unethical practices and policies followed by Industry. The customer centric attitude of the enterprise will not only add value to the company but also succor.  

In the end " Rome wasn't built in a day" nor will your empire. It takes relentless efforts to make this happen, days and nights of hard work and failures with compassion will add up in building the foundations of brand you are trying to create. Earning money is far better than creating money. For all the startups looking for funding , Facebook never did wait neither  did Flipkart  nor Amazon. Start from scratch and build your bricks , it's never too late. 

"Take risks in your life "
If you can win you can lead,
If you loose you can guide .


This is a personal weblog. In addition, my thoughts and opinions change from time to time.I consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind. This weblog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time snapshot and manifestation of the various memes running around my brain, and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed within out-of-date posts may not the same, nor even similar, to those I may hold today.